
Seminar Schedule

10.30am - 12pm 

Meet the wonderful Verity Hardcastle and watch her displaying her skills with one of her Poodles. Find out why prep and the right tools are so important and how to handle those tricky angles to gain a beautiful shape and plush scissor finish. 


1pm - 2pm 

Hydra's very own Tiffiny Leenderts will be styling a clipped Miniature Schnauzer for you all. Come along and learn how to get those eyebrows on point and how the products you use can help give flat legs a boost!  


2pm - 3pm 

Fresh from his travels to Vietnam Hyponic ambassador  James Holberry will be demonstrating his flair for Asian styling on a Lhasa Apso.  Learn how to get the perfect round head on a drop coat and how you can smarten up those flared legs. 
